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  • 网站建设
    Bicycle Network
    网址:http://theebikemotor.com/       浏览次数:2194
    发布日期:2011/7/2   网站关健词:Bicycle Network   百度排名:第一页

  • Sun Rise Int'l Industry Development Limited is a key components Supplier of personal electric vehicles (PEV), from electric bikes to electric wheelchairs. With many years’ development and production experience, our talented engineers, power wheel chair experts, DC motor and electronic controller designers, experienced assembly workforce, we are confident to provide our &#118alued customers with the top quality products at competitive cost and good technical advice.

        Sun Rise is well positioned as a supplier of electric vehicles products, including the electric bike motor, power wheel chairs, electric motorcycle, matched controllers, battery packs and accessories. By using current available materials and latest technology, we are dedicated to developing environmental-friendly, energy-saving products in the field of personal electric transportation and industrial applications. You can always easily find the suitable parts and solution for your EV application from us.

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