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    Guangdong YangChengZhiLu International Travel Co., Ltd
    网址:http://ahappytour.com/       浏览次数:2468
    发布日期:2011/8/19   网站关健词:gambling in Macau casinos,swimming and diving in Sanya-Hainan Island,Shenzhen to   百度排名:

  • "A Happy Tour .Com" is a subsiduary of Guangdong YangChengZhiLu International Travel Co., Ltd. - Marketing Center, the company's license number L-GD-GJ00144, headquartered in YueXiu District, Guangzhou, 4-8 SiYouXinMaLu, WuYang New Town on the ninth floor. "Guangdong YangChengZhiLu International Travel Co.Ltd."is certified by the National Tourism Bureau and the Guangdong Provincial Tourism Administration as the approved establishment of the Guangzhou City.It has 28 outbound tourism business qualifications including outbound tour operations domestic tours and travel abroad operations. In Guangzhou, has 10 branches of wholesale operations. Organizing tours for Chinese citizens to travel abroad; tours in China; agent for visa application, booking reservations for large fleet of rentals and other travel concierge services; planning meeting and conventions for medium to large companies, also specialized in customizing group travelling for any number of people (from 5 to 7000 people at one time).
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南宁地址:广西南宁市民族大道93号新兴大厦B座9楼  邮编:530022  南宁市滨湖广场旁
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联系人:易先生 刘小姐 玉先生 宋小姐 钟小姐 王先生    全国热线:400-602-0052
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